We will discuss in this study 1) which factors cause slowness in Motor Activities and incorrect responses to Rhythmical Activities?, 2) should we give students some training of rhythm in Physical Education courses?, and last this study will give us basic data in establishing General Educability Test Pattern.
For this study 210 girl students of Incheon Educational College were tested in the four arears : 1) Motor Capacity, 2) Rhythmic Sense, 3) Reaction Time, 4) Rhythmic Motor Reaction.
For Motor Capacity they were tested Sargent Jump Test, Burpee Test and Side Step Test For Rhythmic Sense tested Rhythm Test and Seashore Test, For reaction Time Test Sound & Right stimulus; and for Rhythmic Motor Reaction Rhythmic Reviving Test and Rhythmical Movement Test. From the data above we get the following results.
1) The results of Rhythmical Movement Test (which consists of 16 "counts" of motor activities) show that the first half of the movements is a little faster than the rhythmic tempo of the test pattern, but the second half is the same as the rhythm tempo of the pattern.
Such results seem to be caused by the motivation for the students to continue their movements from the first part to the second. The results a]so show that when the first half of the movements is a little slower than the rhythm tempo of the test pattern, the second part is usually different from that of the test pattern.
There is correlation and the same factor between Rhythmical Movement and Reaction Time, and so it seems that slowness in Rhythmic Motor Reaction or incorrect response to Rhythmical Activities is due to the factor of Neuro-muscular Coordination.
So it seems all right that General Motor Educability covers Reaction Time Test.
2) It is one thing to perceive a given rhythm, and it is quite another to respond exactly to the rhythm. But those who had correct movements to the rhythm have high Total T Score, and so it seems that the correct rhythmical movement is possible when they can do well various test items (items tested for this study).
Consequently the Curriculum of Physical Education should cover the Training of Rhythmical Movement.
3) Burpee Test has correlation with Side Step Test, and Agility has the salute factor as the Coordination.
4) From the Reaction Time Test, it is proved that the speed of responses to the sound is faster than that of the light.
5) The rhythmic motor activities responded to a given rhythm are generally faster than the rhythm tempo of the test pattern.
6) As the Rhythmic Sense is much influenced from the time status, so the Rhythmic Motor Reaction depends upon the space as well as the time status, are issued.
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